It's interesting being pregnant. It's really quite fun right now. I am not feeling morning sickness anymore, I'm not so huge that I "can't wait to get this guy out of me!" and I can feel him move all the time! Yes, it's a boy, for all those who don't know :)
The funniest part of being pregnant so far is how all of these women feel the need to show me pictures of their latest grandchildren. I honestly can't count the amount of new born photos I've seen....maybe I can't count that high.....but still! They show me these pictures of babies like I should be jumping for joy about their "oh so cute" grandchild just because I'm going to have a baby in three months! But in their defense, I can see why showing off their grandkids is a fun thing to do, so why not seize the opportunity when you see a pregnant lady who works at a candy shop?
No stranger has tried to touch my belly yet, maybe I still need to get bigger.........I'm sure that adventure will come soon enough :)