This picture is a picture of him the first day we got him.

and oh how he has grown! Here is a picture of Rocky at Matt's favorite fishing spot

He still looks like a puppy....but he's definitely a little more than 25 lbs now!!!!
He sleeps through the night and makes me go on walks every morning, so it really is a great deal! He loves to just hang out outside so I can just sit and read and he'll romp around for an hour or so and then come in and take a nap. Matt loves him too! When those two wrestle ....well you could just say, cheap entertainment :)
We are also expecting our first human addition to the family at the end of January. It's a boy! I'm pretty sure Matt has our son's football schedule planned out my bet is that he's going to be a musician :)
We don't have a scanner to put any ultra sound pictures up...but that's ok, as my dad put it "those are only pictures that mothers can look at and truly love".
So you'll just have to wait a few more months for those!