The last days are finally here!
Though it's been a quick engagement, I'm glad to see the last of the days are finally here. I've come to see that being engaged is WONDERFUL....for the first two weeks. Once I'd described my center pieces, the shades of colors for our wedding (to make sure people understand that the red and green I chose are NOT "Christmasy" looking), if I'm having a bridal shower, what my dress looks like, where we're going on a Honey Moon (which has changed about every week), and that, no, I'm not having real flowers...mostly orimami, etc. about 1,000 times, it gets very mundane. Not the fact that I'm getting married, just having to talk about it all the time.
So to the world of questioners--
YES, I'm getting married next week
YES, I'm so excited
NO, I don't have everything ready
NO, I'm not stressed about it
as for the rest of the details, come to the reception to find out because let's be honest, can anyone get a true picture of what my dress really looks like with my very technical terms? ("ummmm....it's ivory...and it has short sleeves....)
So, we're down to the wire. Getting the last things in order. Matt needs his suit, I need a bouquet. But when it all comes down to it, we are getting married, we have a place to live as soon as we're hitched, and we are both so excited to start this new adventure together!